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Prices and Bookings

It takes courage to admit you need any kind of support. If you are looking for a way forward that is non-judgemental and fully supportive and want to either just talk through your options or book a session, please get in contact using the form below. 

Discovery Session: 20mins - Free 

You may like to provide a brief overview of what's happening for you and we can discuss your options via Virtuessence and if you like may also signpost to other services that may be relevant to your needs


  • 50 or 90mins

  • You can decide the session length that best fits your needs. 

  • As a guideline, I would usually recommend a minimum of 3 sessions

  • We would discuss the regularity of your sessions, depending on your support needs and type of support offered. Usually between once a week to once a month. 


Arrange Your Appointment

Thanks for getting in touch.

I’ll get back to you shortly.


Feel Better - Live Better

West Sussex  |  London  | Online

EDI Active

Tel: 0785 7929 704

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©2022 by Virtuessence

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